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Keita Yamanouchi


愛媛県出身、平成生まれのクラフトビール醸造家。 渋谷区の醸造所Y.Y.G. BREWERYの初代ヘッドブルワー。 地元松山市でも多くの人にビールの多様性を楽しんで欲しいとの思いでDD4D BREWINGを立ち上げるため12年ぶりに帰郷。 緻密な計算式を用いて独自に考案するレシピとともに、スタイルにとらわれない大胆で繊細なビールに挑戦し続ける。 2016年のプロとしての活動開始から現在まで80種類以上のビールを醸造。国際大会において金賞を含む9つの賞を受賞。

A brewer born in the Heisei Era in Ehime Prefecture. The first head brewer at Y.Y.G. Brewery in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo. Coming home after 12 years outside his home town, he returned to start DD4D BREWING with the desire that more people could enjoy a diversity of beer in Matsuyama. At the same time as creating precisely calculated, unique recipes, he continues to make beer that pushes the limits of style while remaining elegant. Since turning pro from 2016, Keita has brewed more than 80 beer styles. He received nine awards, including gold medals, for his beers at international competitions.



DD4D's Sister Brewery


Reiya Sato


東京都出身、中学から大学までハワイで過ごす。DD4Dのブランディング担当。 アパレル業界にいる際から東京で親交があった山之内とともにDD4D BREWINGの立上げに参加。 ハワイで培った独自の感性、ファッション業界とビール業界での経験を武器にファッションとクラフトビールの架け橋を担う。

Born in Tokyo, and living in Hawaii from middle school through university, DD4D's branding.director. He joined in the creation of DD4D Brewing with Keita Yamanouchi whom he got to know when he was in the fashion industry in Tokyo. He hopes to be the bridge between fashion and craft beer wielding his unique Hawaiian character and his experiences in the craft beer and fashion industries.


Mike Donohue


フィラデルフィア(米国)出身のクラフトビール醸造家。 ニュージャージーのFlying Fish Brewery、サンフランシスコの21st Amendment Brewpubでの醸造経験を経て、パリにDeck & Donohueを共同で設立。豊かな想像力で変わった素材を用いたビールを造るが、常に飲み易くバランスの取れたビールを目指す。 2019年に妻と子と共にパリから松山市に移住(人も天候も暖かい!)。 アメリカ・フランスでの経験を生かし、日本のビールの可能性を広げる為の挑戦を始める。

Mike was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA (USA), but has most recently lived in Paris, France since 2014, where he co-founded the brewery Deck & Donohue. Previously Mike brewed at Flying Fish Brewery in New Jersey, and at the 21st Amendment Brewpub in San Francisco, California as an assistant brewer. Mike moved to Matsuyama in 2019 with his family to be closer to his wife’s family, who also live in Matsuyama, and for the warm weather! As a brewer, Mike enjoys making a variety of beer styles with a focus on balance and drinkability, and a creative spirit. Any chance to use unique ingredients or push the limits on beer styles is welcomed. Mike hopes to build on his previous experience in beer to help further the craft beer revolution in Matsuyama :)

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